Rent a Pedal Boat

Get Closer to Nature in Our Pedal Boats

At Odense you also have the opportunity rent pedal boats.  You have the opportunity to sail around and enjoy the tranquility on the river and the beautiful nature, while you have a few pleasant and relaxing hours in the company of your family, life partner, or friends.

Rent a pedal boat for only 120 DKK pr. hour.

Call for questions

Practical Information

  • Rent a pedal boat in the opening hours of Odense Aafart’s kiosk. Start you tour at least 1 hour before the kiosk closes.
  • To rent a pedal boat you have to turn in a valid ID (drivers licence or passport – if your are younger than 18, your Health Insurance card is enough) to the kiosk when you are paying for the first hour. This is a requirement for renting a pedal boat.
  • There is only room for four adults and one small child (max 3 years old) (or maximum 300 kg) in a pedal boat. If you are more than that, you will have to rent an extra pedal boat.
  • If you sail for more than 1 hour, you will have to pay fr that extra time when you are picking up your ID after the ride. In that case, you will pay for every started 15 minutes.
  • It is a good idea to go to the toilet and buy some food or drinks before renting the pedal boats, as you time begins as soon as the payment has happened.
  • The pedal boats cannot be reserved in advance.
  • If one or more are under the age of 13 there must be a at least one person over the age of 18.
  • Sailing the pedal boats are at own risk.
  • Be aware that if one of the tour boats should come, you have to sail to the side.
  • We do not have any safe jackets.
  • The pedal boats have to be returned at the kiosk.
  • We do not store you bags and other belongings. You have to take that with you on the pedal boat.
  • We do not the pedal boats to clearly drunk/intoxicated people or to people who brings large amounts of alcohol. Large speakers are not allowed on the pedal boats either. The employee in the kiosk decides whether or not you an rent a pedal boat.